Apartment, Hangzhou

Exquisite materials, precious surfaces, sophisticated colour schemes and unique details that exalt both the architectural features and finishes as well as the furnishings and accessories. Turri’s style is all about attention to detail and this is expressed to the fullest in Hangzhou Hangzhou Shangtanga project in the city’s Gongshu Districtas part of the dynamic and continuously evolving context that is transforming the capital of the province of Zhejiang, this interior design project, created for the partner FOR.D, highlights Turri’s design ability and clearly shows the company’s talent for creating bespoke furnishings for specific projects.

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  • Luogo
    Hangzhou, China

The light marbles with sand shades and unrepeatable veining, the chevron-laying parquet come on warm tones, the refined leathers of the boiseries, but also the preciousness of the tops express the search for excellence in every aspect, which is the real design challenge in contexts of very high level like that of Hangzhou Shangtang.

The project as a whole is in fact the result of a contemporary approach that attributes the decorative role to the very essence of the material, of a concept that translates into a linear design that forms the backdrop to the soft shapes of the furnishings and accessories.

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